Developing a home care plan
Your journey with Baywood begins with a home health and safety assessment by one of our licensed RN Case Managers who will meet with you in your home or wherever you need care.

Specialized home care services centered around you
Our RN Case Managers will discuss your care options and develop your personalized care plan including working with our schedulers to identify a caregiver to provide care services as soon as needed. You will be assigned a specific RN Case Manager who will personally oversee all your care needs.
Steps to getting care for you or your loved one:

A Baywood Client Story
Susan needed care to stay in her home after the passing of her husband who was her primary caregiver. Her family contacted Baywood and an RN Case Manager met with her and her family in her home the next day. They worked together to create a personalized care plan based on her needs. The RN Case Manager coordinated with the scheduling team so they could identify a compatible caregiver that fit Susan’s needs and who could start the following day. In Susan’s case we were able to start services in less than 48 hours from the initial call to the start of services.